February is Heart Month: Ever try snowshoeing?


Heart Month raises awareness for cardiovascular disease including heart disease and stroke.Why not celebrate heart month by taking advantage of our winter weather and go snowshoeing!  What a great cardiovascular activity to do in the winter when we have lots of snow!Snowshoeing is a great cardiovascular workout not to mention strenghtening for legs and balance!  It is a very safe, effective and low impact activity.  It's also great for those looking to loose some weight since it can burn up to 2x the number of calories as walking at the same speed!Snowshoeing is also a great cross training workout for runners, hikers and cyclists in the winter months!Why not give it a try?  You could rent a pair at most outdoor specialty stores (M.E.C, Atmosphere), cross-country ski centers or now you can find new snowshoes from canadian tire, costco or most sports stores.Here are a few tips before you get started:

  • Make sure to choose your snowshoes according to you weight!
  • Stay hydrated and drink before and after your session (or you can bring a water bottle with you)
  • Dress warmly but in layers in case you get hot
  • Any warm winter boots will do the trick!

Here are a few sites that you can look into if you are wanting to take a day trip:

  • Société des établissements de plein air du Québec: sepaq.com
  • Quebec walking federation: www.fqmarche.qc.ca

Enjoy the experience!  Feel free to comment or post pictures on the Studio Vie facebook page of your adventures snowshoeing!For more information on heart month visit the heart and stroke foundation:http://www.heartandstroke.com/site/c.ikIQLcMWJtE/b.2796497/k.BF8B/Home.htm

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